Web site, interactive API and non-interactive API now work together

Until now, RealFaviconGenerator consisted in two universes:

  • The interactive API, aka "User interacts with the UI to create a favicon"
  • The non-interactive API. Post a favicon generation request to the web service and get your package a second later

Although similar, these two domains used to never speak to each other.

This time is over. Now, when you use either the interactive API of simply RealFaviconGenerator as a web site, the non-interactive request is never far.

RealFaviconGenerator, the web site

The regular way to use RealFaviconGenerator is accessing it via the web browser. A few clicks later, you are ready to download the favicon package. Until today, that was the end of the story. But you can now get the equivalent non-interactive API request:


Follow the instructions and you get a working API request.

Interactive API

The interactive API is not different of the classic web site: you get the same favicon editor and same options. When the client is back in control (for example the Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator WordPress plugin), the transaction is over.

But there is more: the API client receives the equivalent non-interactive API request. It can reissue the request as is to create the favicon again.

What's next?

Expect some updates in the WordPress plugin in the next few weeks! Grunt and Gulp plugins are also on the TODO list.