Change log

DateVersionDescriptionImportanceUpdate or not

In this release:

  • Bug fix for relative paths in Web App Manifest, see Issue #270
  • Bug fix for Windows Tile color, see Issue #331
  • The Web App Manifest now has an ending new line character, see Issue #341
  • The Web App Manifest now declares short_name, see Issue #324
  • The Web App Manifest is now called site.webmanifest, see Issue #342

If your previous favicon package is impacted by Issue #270, definitely yes. Not sure? Run the favicon checker against your site. If Android Chrome lacks an icon, this might be because of this issue.


In this release:


It is not clear if the previously generated Safari mask icon was correctly processed by Safari. It is safer to update in order to get the older, proven version.


This update contains four minor fixes:

  • The background_color attribute was added to the Web App manifest (for Android Chrome), see Issue #275
  • Slashes are not escaped anymore in the generated JSON documents, see Issue #282
  • Indentation and end of lines are now uniform in generated XML and JSON files, see Issue #283
  • Icon for macOS Safari pinned tabs now has the specified viewBox, see Issue #242

The only significant fix is for app splash screen on Android Chrome. Update only if your site is regularly added to the home screen.


Package minimization. There are much less icons and HTML markups:

  • By default, only one Touch icon is created for iOS, see Issue #211
  • By default, only one icon is created for Windows Metro, see Issue #231
  • 96x96 PNG icon for Google TV is not generated anymore, see Issue #230
  • density descriptors are not included anymore in manifest.json, see Issue #228
  • Embedded images of favicon.ico are now stored in reverse order, see Issue #135
  • High resolution image for Android Chrome splash screen, see Issue #234

No. Although this is a great update for future projects, existing projects have no reason to update.


This update combines the following changes:

  • Fix in PNG color depth, see Issue #157
  • Density is now encoded as a number in the JSON manifest, see Issue #141
  • apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png is now generated, see Issue #163

No, this is mostly a maintainance release.


Mask icon for Safari's pinned tabs (new in Max OS X El Capitan)


Yes. This is a highlighted feature of Mac OS X El Capitan, which is available for free for many Mac users.


The new manifest for Android Chrome M39 is now generated, along with Theme color for Android Lollipop. Old 160x160 PNG icon for Opera 12 Speed Dial is not generated anymore.


No, unless you want an icon dedicated to Android.


New 180x180 Touch icon, introduced bu the iPhone 6 Plus and iOS 8. This is issue #85.


No, unless the iPhone 6 Plus is a major platform for you.


Due to specs changes, Android Chrome now expects a 192x192 icon instead of the previous 196x196 icon. In addition, the Android Chrome icon is now designed after the other PNG icons and not the iOS icon anymore. See issue #26.


Yes, unless your desktop and iOS icons share the exact same design. With the previous version of the code, IE 11 displays the (old) 196x196 icon, which was designed after the iOS icon.


browserconfig.xml is now always generated, even if the favicon files are not placed in the root directory. When this happens, its location is declared with the msapplication-config meta markup. This change helps to save a few hundred bytes in the HTML code. See issue #32.


No. This change has an impact only when the favicon files were not placed in the root directory. When this happens, the gain is only a few hundred bytes in the HTML code.


This update combines two changes:

  • 32x32 PNG picture is declared last. The consequence is that Firefox now uses this picture (instead of the 16x16 picture), which is more suitable on Mac with Retina screen. See Issue #17.
  • favicon.ico contains 16x16, 32x32 and 48x48 pictures (instead of 16x16, 24x24 and 32x32 pictures) due to recent changes in Microsoft guidelines. See Issue #18.

No, unless Mac with Retina screen is an important platform for you.


The generated code used self-closing markups, in an XML fashion. For example, <link rel="icon" href="/pic.png" />. This was not correct. Nearly all versions of HTML, especially HTML5, do not need (or even abhor) this syntax. The markups are now <link rel="icon" href="/pic.png">. See Issue #11.


No. Both the old and new versions of the code work on all tested platforms.


Because of bug 751712, Firefox uses the last declared PNG picture. And because the 196x196 picture is different of the other ones, the generated code was updated to declare the 196x196 picture first.


The fix impacts only Firefox, for the code generated since the previous update.


Picture favicon-196x196.png is now generated (for Chrome on Android).


No. Currently, Android Chrome gives preference to the iOS high resolution icon, which was already generated by RealFaviconGenerator. This update will be important when Android Chrome will eventually ignore the Apple Touch icons, which should not happen any time soon (IMHO).


A few changes for Windows 8.1 / IE11:


Yes, unless you have absolutely no concern for Windows 8.1 / IE11.


The 310x150 Windows 8 / IE11 tile is now generated:

  • Picture mstile-310x150.png is now part of the package
  • This picture is declared in the code as the msapplication-wide310x150logo icon.

Only if Windows 8 is a very important platform for you.